Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween A Day Late

1. Forget the masks. Just be yourself. People get enough marketing and advertising messages these days as it is. And it's becoming increasingly true that people like to support brands they know and trust, rather than ones that come off as less personable and that only want to make a sale. Do you have a BRAND? What is it your customers think of when they hear your name? That is your BRAND and you should nurture it and protect it. If you don't have a brand (oh, you have one but just don't know it yet), you should spend some time thinking about who you are in the eyes of your customer. That is your brand and like any company, you need to promote your brand. The more you can show off your authentic self (through great content and genuine responses), the more you'll make a true connection with people you're trying to reach. Then they'll be more likely to do business with you.

2. Keep giving out treats. When it comes to your on line marketing efforts, you need to give your customers and prospects the kind of candy — er, I mean, content — they want, the kind(s) that will get them to engage with you. It is called GIVING VALUE. Send them an article that pertains to their business, better still write an article yourself the might help them, or tell them why they should do business with YOU as opposed to your competitors. I can help you with this.

3. Don't be a ghost. Far too many businesses make the mistake of ignoring comments and questions posed by customers. The message is clear: Customers love to be heard and have their issues acted upon swiftly. Answer all your emails and, if you don't have an immediate answer, simply acknowledge their email and let them know when you will get back to them. Would you pickup a phone call from a customer and say nothing ? I hope not. The same courtesy should apply to emails and voice mails. Answer them promptly!

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