Friday, December 14, 2012


One day a young salesman burst into his parents house and said, "Mom!  Dad! I have great news!  I'm getting married to the greatest girl in the world!  Florence has agreed to marry me."

But that night the young salesman's dad took him aside for a little chat.  "I have some bad news for you son," he confessed.  "See, I used to fool around a lot, and Florence is actually your half-sister.  I'm afraid you can't marry her."

The young salesman was brokenhearted, and moped around for a good six months, but eventually he started dating again.  And a year or so later he came home with glad tidings.  "Vickie said yes! We're getting married on Christmas Eve. Isn't that great?"

Alas, the young salesman's father insisted on another private conversation and again broke the bad news to his son.  "Vickie's your half-sister, too, son.  I'm awfully sorry."

This time the young salesman was beside himself with anger and grief, and he finally pleaded with his mother.  "At this rate I'm never going to get married," he moaned.  "Every time I fall in love, Dad says the girl is my half-sister."

"Don't pay any attention to him," said the young salesman's mother, cheerfully.  "You see, I did some fooling around myself, and he's not your father!"

Moral of the story.   True sales professionals know never to use half-truths.   Once you put them out there, they always come home to haunt you .  And you can't expect others to take responsibility for them.    Just like half-sisters or half-brothers, everyone feels awkward around half-truths.

"A lie can travel half-way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes."     -     Charles Spurgeon

Wishing you a very faithful Merry Christmas,

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