Tuesday, January 17, 2012


1/ Your calls to your regular customers must have a grabbing opener!!! Every time you call, without exception, have a point to discuss that will add value to their relationship with you. It is anything that allows them to feel they’ve gained something by talking to you. It can be good news, useful information about their industry, ideas you have, personal things in which they have an interest, anything they will perceive as useful. If they like cooking, you might offer them a new recipe you have tried. Don’t ever be afraid to put yourself out there on a personal level. In my 40 years of selling, I feel this is the biggest shortcoming of many or most unsuccessful sales people. Being way too business-like and sacrificing their humanity and good humor and fun for fear of what I have never figured out.

“Bob, this is Dan with Trinity Logistics. I have been reviewing the lanes we are currently doing with you and noticed that we are hauling out of Charlotte for you almost everyday but only to the northeast. Do you have a moment to discuss with me to what other points you ship out of Charlotte?


“Bob, Dan with Trinity. I heard some neat tips on fly fishing, and you came to mind as some one who might be interested in it”

The real test is to put yourself in the position of the person hearing what you are saying. Ask yourself if you would want to hear more if you were in their shoes. Be sure your opener says as much as possible, with as few words as possible. Only by appealing to their desire to gain or fear of losing, will you cause them to spend productive time with you and eventually open up more business to you!!

2/ Map out your questioning strategy BEFORE you call. Take all of your benefits that apply to this call and write them down one below the other on the left of the page. Then to the right of that make two columns, label the first column “Needs Filled” and write out what need your benefit fills after or as you make the call. The other column is “Questions To Ask”. Write out a question to ask to determine if that need really exists.

Benefit Need Filled Question to Ask

Same Day Pickup How quickly do you need pickup?

Here are some other related questions:

Do you ever need same day pickup late in the day?

What do you do in situations like that now?

What happens when you need it same day and have to wait a day or even two?

You need to have a comprehensive list of questions in front of you to be effective and keep the call going.

3/ Dealing with Objections can largely be done by having a well-planned questioning strategy BUT they will arise and I like to deal with them by saying the following: “ I understand” or “I see, let’s discuss “ or “let’s talk about that”. Then begin questioning them as to why they raised that as an objection.

To achieve continuity let’s continue from the questioning above:

Customer: “I have heard that Trinity does not do any better than my current carrier with same day pickup”

You: Let’s talk about that. Could you tell me from whom or where you heard that?

Customer: Driver’s have come in here and told me that.

You: In what context did they bring that up? (You are really asking who started that conversation)

Customer: Since you have asked me about this issue before, I thought I would investigate by asking.

You: I would like to get you a couple of customer references from the people like yourself who really have a vested interest and are most affected by same day pickups. (You are inferring that the driver info is unreliable without saying it).

Customer: I would think a driver would be honest about that.

You: I am not questing their honesty at all. As you know we are brokers and we use outside trucks so it is hard to pinpoint accuracy on the driver’s part as they deal with so many different brokers it is very easy for them to get confused. Let me get you some names and numbers to call to check our service levels in that regard. I will get those to you by 1600 tomorrow.

I think you will find this a friendly, non-adversarial way to deal with objections. Get to the bottom of them and don’t be afraid to get back to them with an answer rather than spewing out whatever pops into your head. Don’t allow yourself to be drawn into talking too much or answering questions you are not sure how to answer.

4/ Getting a commitment is the probably the thing that requires the least amount of skill but presents the most difficulty for most sales people. Do this: start practicing this in your personal life by doing the following: Start asking for discounts from store clerks, ask for a better table in a restaurant, don’t settle for second rate service by asking politely for a waiter “to step up the pace”. All these things will help prepare you to start asking for the business.

On the phone, ask for the business more often. When someone is “going to talk it over” ask if they are going to recommend it? (“It” would be you and/or Trinity)

If they try to put you off by saying “ I will think it over” ask them what the chances are that they will reach a favorable decision. You are going to get “No’s” but the positive answers you get will save you time and result in more business and also help you build a “closing behavior”. I worked for a guy many years ago who told me if you lose it all in a sales call and cannot remember anything (blank screen), you can at least ask for the business!!!!! There is no secret here!!! There are no special lines that will ever insure you get a “Yes”. We are dealing with human behavior and if that were anywhere like predictable we would have lived in peace since the time of Adam. It is very simple stuff. If you want the same results, keep doing the same things you have been doing. If you want different results, you might try different behavior. Someone said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. I am no psychologist but I do know that if you want different results in sales than you are getting now, you have to be willing to try different behavior.

5/ Make sure you are training yourself to really listen. Remember this: the more you talk, the more opportunity you give your customers to raise objections. Let them talk and they will certainly not be raising objections to their own points. If they do, hang up immediately and run like hell!!! They ARE insane!!!

You need to interject notes on your checklist/script in red letters. All over the page, you need to write reminders about listening. “Why should I listen to this person?” The answer to this question needs to be in red letters right after the question. “Because what this person says will tell me exactly what I need to say to help them make a decision favorable to me thereby enriching my income/life”

Have this purpose in mind every time you talk to anyone about anything!!!

The other persons desire to listen to you is in inverse proportion to the amount of talking you do. The more you talk the more easily bored they become. Your primary job is to get them to talk to you!!!

6/ Make sure your checklist includes a post call assessment. It is absolutely essential that you take the time to rate your call and make an honest assessment of what you accomplished during that call and what you need to do as far as follow up is concerned. Learning about what you have done does not take place during the call. It takes place afterwards and must be a deliberate step in a successful call. You learn when you reflect on what you have done!!

These two simple questions need to finish your call script/checklist.

What did I like about this call?

What would I have done differently during this call?

You say you don’t have the time for this exercise!!! I say you cannot afford not to make time for it, as it is essential to your growth and success in sales and in life!!!!

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