Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lesson Two


If there are aspects of the industry that are not familiar to you, it is imperative that you learn as much about a lot of things as time allows. For example, if you do not understand something about a truck and its primary parts that affect our business, ask people who have driven. If they cannot tell you then Google it. There is no excuse in this day and age for remaining ignorant about anything especially if it has the potential to make you more successful in your career. You need to make yourself indispensable as a resource to your customers. Every time you call them you need to give them something of value and in turn get something of value from them. It can be as simple as a pickup number or as important as a rate they are paying a competitor. BEFORE you call, decide what you want to get from them during that call. And decide what you want to give them about Trinity or about you (same thing!!! As you ARE their Trinity). A poorly planned call results in a waste of time for them and you. Make the most of their time by giving them something and getting something from them in return. Take notes if it is phone and transpose them to an email to yourself and save it in your CRM or Outlook folder if you don't use a CRM.

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